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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
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Top 10 Smartphone Features And Their Importance

The smartphone has become a staple in our lives as of late. It’s a device that keeps us connected with friends, family, and the world


Five New Smartphones You Won’t Want To Miss

The time of the smartphone has changed with the current advancements in technology. Now, more than ever, people are looking for new devices that stand


Top 10 Coolest New Features Of Android TV

Android TV is quickly becoming one of the most popular Smart TV platforms in the country, and it’s because of all these cool features that


What Are The Latest Trends Of Smartphone Brands?

Smartphone brands often release new models and versions periodically, but these are often similar in their performance. One trend that is becoming more popular recently


The iPhone XS Vs The Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Which One Is Right For You?

Are you looking for the latest and greatest smartphone? You might be in the market for a new phone, but you’re not sure which one


WEARables! The Amazing New Trend In Technology And Fashion

As technology advances, so does our fashion sense. We now have the ability to be more creative and expressive with our clothing choices, whether we’re


10 Interesting Facts About Tablet

Tablet computers are a growing trend in the business world, as they offer many advantages over traditional laptops. While there are many different tablet models


Laptop Buying Guide: 10 Things To Keep In Mind

If you’re like most people, you don’t know what a Windows version is. But it’s actually very simple – it’s an operating system that can


5 Bold Predictions For The Future of Gaming

Video games, in general, have been around for a long time and seem to be here to stay. As more people are using technology and


Mobile Devices: Your newest obsession

What was once a necessary evil – something you used to get through the day but never really thought about – is now an integral